Support the Midlothian High PTSO by Registering and Donating!
Welcome to the Parent Teacher Student Organization at Midlothian High School! Our mission is to strengthen the educational experience of our students through volunteer and financial support. Every student will benefit from events and support from the PTSO at some point during the school year. Guest speakers, educational scholarships, Staff Appreciation luncheons, Boys and Girls State representation, grant money for curriculum enhancement, library support, our new Teacher Supply Closet, and experiences for our students and faculty are all possible when you support our Midlothian High School PTSO. PTSO meetings will be held monthly either in the MHS Library or online - come join us! Because we are a PTSO, all donations stay in our school. THANK YOU for registering and making a donation! Your donation is tax deductible and we welcome corporate matching. GOOOOOOO Midlo!
Cheddar Up link :
2024-2025 PTSO Board
President : Kat Kelly
Vice President : Julie Paris
Treasurer : Alison Kidd
Secretary : Emily Weinstein
Parliamentarian : Berkeley Dobbs
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Did you know that you can support Midlothian High School PTSO by going to the grocery store?
Here's how:
Visit Kroger's website at
Log in or Create an account
Go to Community Rewards
Enter our code IQ182 or search for Midlothian High School PTSO
Support us every time you shop !!